okay first of all.. chelsey.. you look like a damn zombie! Ugly ugly ugly. & Ive heard you sing.. YOU SUCK BALLS!!!! Mariel.. your just ugly as fuck in general. You make me sick... u think your so pretty & popular but really YOUR SOOOOOOO UGLY!!!!!! & no one really likes you (: Seriously you guys are really horrible looking girls & by that being said.. Tucan Sam (Chels with her fat nose) & Salty hoe (Mariel) (= will never be good at music!!!

So this is our cute post lol...=)

we found this comment on April 3rd =)
it gave us endless chuckles, the person is anonomous. so were gunna call them Bubblez. Im thinking someone needs a cup of sunshine.. maybe they are a lil jealous or... hmm... immature. But thats okay with us we officially have a hater!!! Whoot WHoot!! Ok so anyways, we think were pretty =) and thats all that matters to us! So...

Well here is our blog update =)

can't wait for another one =) We love you Bubblez!